SERVE selflessly.
LOVE unconditionally.
LIVE optimistically.
Ron Strong
Ever since the “Ron Strong” shirts were created, Ron proudly wore them to nearly all of his doctor appointments. He loved having his own personal brand and took every opportunity to point out to the doctors that his name was embedded in the word STRONG.
During the final week of Ron's life, as he lay mostly unresponsive, there were moments when we all gathered around his bed, bracing ourselves, thinking the end was near. Yet, his strong heart continued to surprise us all, keeping him with us a little longer.
With a heart full of love, Ron waited patiently, ensuring that everyone who mattered most had the chance to visit him one last time. Only then, when he had fulfilled this final act of love, was he ready to accept his next mission call on the other side.
Donate to Huntsman Cancer Foundation with a desigation in neuro research in memory of Ron.
Ron's Star: Astronova
A few weeks before Ron passed away, he gave his telescope to his 4-year-old grandson, Finnegan. Finn loves all things space and was so excited to receive this gift from Grandpa Ron! As a thank you, Finn named a star after Grandpa and we presented it to him a few days before Thanksgiving with the following message:
Astronova is a special star—one that shines brightly and brings hope, just like you have for all of us. From the Greek astro, meaning "star," and the Latin nova, meaning "new," it reminds us of Jesus Christ—the Bright and Morning Star—who brings renewal and eternal light. At the heart of this star's name is “RON”, a symbol of the love, faith, and strength you've shared with our family. Your legacy will always shine in our hearts, guiding us to the brightest star. We love you, Grandpa Ron!
Want to find Astronova in the night sky?
1. Download the free "Night Sky Guide" app:
2. Tap "Continue without an account"
3. Copy and paste this registration number into the app:
4. Tap "Go"
5. Follow the arrow in the app as you move your phone around to find Astronova